There is so much talk today about self-love and/or loving yourself. We hear what it is and what it’s supposed to look like. Things like taking a vacation, getting a spa day, going to play golf, or anything else that brings you happiness and raises your energetic frequency are all defined as self love because you are in a state of bliss as it’s happening. Although these things can definitely aid in your energy and happiness, this is normally a feeling that flees once the experience ends.
So, we ask the all-encompassing question—WHAT IS SELF LOVE?
True self-love is formed by deciding to commit to doing the really deep inner work of transforming all of your trauma’s and drama’s from your entire life into healing and into an energy that actively works for you instead of against you.
It takes real courage to face the pits and valleys of your life in order to transform them. Many times these are the most painful and wounded parts of our psyches, the parts you shy away from facing due to the depths of the pain therein. You may have been a victim and have lost sight of who and what you truly are at your divine core.
When you don’t heal your wounds, then addictions and old behavior patterns can set in on different levels. People get addicted to many kinds of things because they have lost the self love in the area where the trauma has been. Your traumas will cloud any self love you try to create by external means so you must heal those traumas and transform them into something powerful from the inside, out.
Once you do this, you can then see how truly strong and courageous your soul has been to survive what you have endured. Although battle scarred, you can turn those experiences into your most healed and wonderful places of being.
This is the meaning of truly loving yourself: when you love and honor yourself enough to refuse to allow past traumas and dramas to run your life and emotions, consciously or unconsciously.
Recognize that you are a soul of immense value and you deserve to give yourself unconditional love, support, protection and honor. The physical world will then mirror back to you that same frequency. You can heal and your true essence will come out of hiding. Love yourself enough to face and heal your deepest and most profound wounds.
Being determined to heal life’s traumas creates the greatest self love and freedom. You get back to your authentic divine template and your soul will flourish, unhindered and unafraid, and you will become unshakeable at your core.
Once your healing has occurred, then added spa days, golfing days, beach days etc., are just the added joys of celebrating your amazing soul because, you have loved yourself enough to become whole once again.
This is a life-long process because life continues to throw us curve balls to face with truth and to heal from. But as you continue this journey, your life will flourish into the energetic frequencies that can literally change the world. Your own healing catapults a frequency of healing and wholeness back into the broken parts of the this world.
The greatest form of self-love is facing your dramas and traumas so you can become whole.
We are here to accompany you on your journey of self love and transformation.
-Soulful Wellness