That question has created a lot of thought and change within my world recently. In my opinion, it is one of the most powerful questions that we can ask ourselves.
How do you act and react to others within your sphere of influence on a daily basis? Are you consistent in your demeanor and essence or are you erratic? Are you kind and compassionate or angry and spiteful? Are you sporadic in your actions or dependable? Is the theme of your communication negative or positive?
The way that we show up within our friendships and relationships either adds value to the other person or it tears them down and drains them of energy.
It is completely acceptable to have feelings and to speak about what is going on inside our hearts when needed. At the same time, if you look at the picture of your life, what comes out as the largest percentage of your essence? Is it negative or positive, draining or uplifting, fear based or hope and faith inspired? Are your facial features relaxed and at peace or scrunched up and frustrated? Are your thoughts and actions aligned with adding value to the person you are speaking with? Do you care about what they have to say or are you solely for yourself?
We are always conveying a very specific presence and energy to those we encounter. Energy attracts like energy. For example, Walking down the sidewalk and smiling at people has the effect of others smiling back at you and wanting to have conversations. On the flip side, if you walk down the same sidewalk with an angry scowl on your face, others will actively avoid you.
Those people within the closest heart space to you whom you interact with consistently (whether a spouse, significant other, parents, children) experience you as your most authentic self. Do you show up for them from a healed place of being or are there areas in your life that still require healing? What about those areas that rear their ugly head when you are not at peace and are experiencing stress? What does this do to the people around you? Do they shut down and go inward to avoid conflict or do they yell back at you? What is the feedback you are getting from them in the moment and the moments afterward?
What price are you willing to pay to be in a relationship with those currently around you? What price are they paying to be in relationship with you? What needs to change in how you show up?
Letting others know that you are open to hearing feedback about how you show up and what their experience is of you will give a profound glimpse into how you are coming across and the price others are paying to be around you. You can add great value and peace to someone’s life but it is all in how you choose to be and whether you are doing the necessary soul work to heal your own wounds. By doing the soul searching necessary to heal past hurts, we are then able to be in others’ lives with love, authenticity and peace. We can heal instead of damage one another.
How do you want to shift and change your manner of being in order to be a beacon of steadiness in your actions? How deeply do you desire to be dependable in your moods, having strength in your spirit with joy and peace in your presentation to others?
There are always more ways in which we can improve our essence.
We are here to help you heal and shift where needed on your journey to wholeness and ultimate wellbeing.
- Soulful Wellness