Make a shift in your consciousness by raising your awareness of how you show up and respond to the world within and around you. It enables you to identify and consciously work with your filters and therefore your levels of energy at any given moment in time.
As part of the debrief you’ll learn about the seven levels of energy and how much energy you have to apply to your life at any given moment and how to access the higher levels of energy for inspired sustained change and overall well-being. You will receive both your Energetic Profile and your Energetic Stress Reaction Charts. This is all about your unique combination of the 7 levels of energy, which creates your viewpoints, perceptions and beliefs about any and all aspects of life under normal conditions.
It will also show you how you energetically respond to the stressors in your life. From this place you can then make conscious choices about how you choose to live your life. It will show you how to transition to the higher levels of energy when the stressors do trigger a trauma response in a lower level of energy. This is all about being at choice in your life versus the coping with circumstances and just waiting and hoping for them to change.
We have more power over the traumas and dramas of our lives than we might of previously been led to believe. Being at conscious choice in every area of your life is a true gift and an empowering place to exist from.